Public Meeting Agendas, Minutes & Videos

Committee and Commission Meetings

Beginning March 1, 2023, all committee and commission meetings will be held in-person in the same manner they were prior to when the COVID-19 emergency protections went into effect. City Council meetings are currently being held in a pilot hybrid format, allowing live public participation via Zoom as well as in-person in the Council Chamber. The hybrid format is a pilot project and not yet available for committee or commission meetings. The public may watch the live stream video of committee and commission meetings from the City website but will need to submit public comments in writing prior to the meeting or attend in-person to provide oral comments.

City Council Meetings

City Council meetings are currently being held in a pilot hybrid format, allowing both in-person participation and virtual observation. At this time, the City is temporarily suspending virtual participation (comments) by Zoom at City Council meetings and will re-evaluate at a future date. Members of the public attending through Zoom will be able to observe the meeting only and will not be able to provide comments through Zoom. Members of the public who are unable to attend in-person, but who still wish to comment on items may submit their comments to the City Clerk at

Information on how to join a City Council meeting via Zoom is published at the top of the agenda for each meeting. It is a good idea to set yourself up to attend the meeting in advance.

Other ways to stream the meeting

If you are having trouble streaming a live meeting, try tuning into our local Public Access channel. Petaluma Community Access broadcasts on Comcast and Petaluma’s local channels 26, 27, and 28. With AT&T U-Verse, PCA’s channels are accessible through channel 099. Local channels are not currently available on Satellite/DISH Networks. We will be recording each meeting and making that recording available to the public even if it is not available for live streaming. More information on PCA TV can be found here.

Subscribe to future Agendas

If you would like to be informed about upcoming agendas, check out our subscription page.


Agenda materials for past public meetings, including agenda packets, minutes, and video recordings, are archived at the very bottom of this page. Please scroll down beneath the Current and Upcoming Meetings to view materials for Council Meetings from 2015 to present. To request agenda materials prior to 2015, please email your request to

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